Monday, September 1, 2014

[GMW #3061] Reproducing and Consuming So Earth Has Room To Breathe & Nurture Evolution

[GMW #3061] Reproducing and Consuming So Earth Has Room To Breathe & Nurture Evolution Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3455 ~
I have said this before, but I cannot help repeating it in view of its importance:

In 1970, during the twenty-fifth anniversary of the United Nations we published a forecast that in the year 2000 the world population, at the rate of increase at that time, would reach 7.3 billion people.

Well, due to the UN warning, during the fortieth anniversary in 1985, this estimate was down to 6.1 billion (in October 2000 we reached 6 billion). The UN's warning thus achieved in thirty years the non-addition of 1.2 billion more humans to the world population.

But, at the current rate the world population is still estimated to increase to 8.91 billion in 2050. almost 3 billion more than now. And during the last thirty years we have destroyed thirty percent of the nature of this planet.

The Earth:

"You are right dear Robert to repeat and repeat these figures. Don't governments and people realize that this will lead to catastrophe if humanity does not change its reproducing and over consuming ways? My whole future evolution is at stake."

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume  II Chapter 13 Of Speaking
Why do I speak the way I speak?
Because I have no choice, I must.
Everyone must.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Casa de Paz (House of Peace) - Short six minute film

36th Avenue in the Fruitvale district of East Oakland, California, is the turf of three major gangs.

Yet the residents of Casa de Paz never lock their doors. Anchored by Pancho Ramos Stierle and Adelaja Simon, Casa de Paz is part of a group of several homes that form an intentional community of peace and nonviolence in an area rife with structural and physical violence.

In order to serve their community, they live with the people - laugh with them, cry with them, and eat with them.

They embody "giftivism" - practicing radical acts of generosity that changes the world, one heart, one home, one block at a time.

- Watch the film at:

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