Monday, September 29, 2014

[GMW #3125] Nurturing Earth For The Next Hundreds & Thousands Of Years

[GMW #3125] Nurturing Earth For The Next Hundreds & Thousands Of Years

 - Only Make Choices That Benefit Everyone - People And Nature - Over The Long Run

Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500

~ Idea 3525 ~
The Earth:

"Dear Robert, poor humans create during their lifetime a total of solid wastes equivalent to 150 times their body weight. Rich humans like the Americans leave behind a total of solid waste which is 4000 times the weight of their body. Multiply this by 4.7 billion times for the first and by 1.2 billion times for the second and you will get the staggering following results:

Over a period of sixty years (their longevity) the poor people of the world leave behind solid waste equivalent to 705 billion times the weight of a poor person.

The rich countries leave behind over a period of seventy years (their longevity) a waste equivalent to 4,800 billion times the weight of a rich human.

In addition all these humans are not even returned to my body for recycling but are burned or locked in concrete vaults, in wooden coffins which cost vast forests of mine.

And dear Robert, look at the UN population forecasts for the year 2050: 7.7 billion people in the poor countries and thank God less, namely 1.16 billion in the rich ones.

Do similar calculations for the emission of carbon dioxide per human individual in the rich and in the poor countries and you will get similar mind boggling results (see Idea 2709).

How do you think that under such conditions I will survive? It is totally impossible if you do not change very drastically and urgently your course. Never on this planet has your course been so blind."


Dear Earth, you are right and I will strongly recommend as I have done so already before that

Everything we do today must be considered on its consequences during the next one hundred and even one thousand years.

The major effects of our doings on your fate, dear, beautiful Earth, are the big figures.

We must always calculate everything by the big figures which will profoundly mark our future.
We have never done this before except a number of projections by UN agencies such as population forecasts and even these were not taken seriously enough and had only a moderate influence in correcting the situation at first.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume II Chapter 14 Of Writing
Take the time to observe yourself and the surrounding world, and write it all down.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

And suddenly you know:
It's time to start something new and
trust the magic of beginnings.
~ Meister Eckhart

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