Wednesday, September 26, 2012

[GMW #2562] World Peoples Agency

[GMW #2562] World Peoples Agency
Monday 8 Oct 2012, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1501 to 2000
~ Idea 1556 ~ 14 October 1998

I recommend that the Millennium Peoples' Assembly to accompany the UN General Assembly 2000 should create a permanent World Peoples' and International Associations Agency. The agency could be located in the prestigious Peace Palace built in the Hague at the beginning of this century for that purpose by Andrew Carnegie. The 1999 Centennial Peoples' Peace Conference in the Hague could also take that decision.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 13 - Of Speaking
Decide to Aggrandize Yourself
    to the vastness of the universe
    to the greatness of God
    to the beauty of Creation
    to the genius of humanity
    to the magnificence of our planet  
    to the unique treasure you are.

    Aggrandize your mind
    Aggrandize your heart
    Aggrandize your soul

Extend all your senses
    to the stars in heaven
    to the beauty of the Earth
    to the potential of the human race
    to the infinity of your inner life.

And you will become the universe
    You will become Creation
    You will become humanity
    You will become infinity
    You will at long last be your real
        divine, miraculous self
        in total communion with all there is
        in heaven and on Paradise Earth.

Then you will contribute your peace and happiness
    to our miraculous humanity and well-preserved,
    heavenly planet in the universe.

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Some people have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again,
freshly and naively,
the basic goods of life,
with awe, pleasure, wonder, and
even ecstasy.
-- Abraham H. Maslow
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[GMW #2561] Eliminate Compulsory Military Service

[GMW #2561] Eliminate Compulsory Military Service
Friday 5 Oct 2012, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1501 to 2000
~ Idea 1555 ~ 13 October 1998

I am happy that military service is no longer compulsory in Italy and that thousands of young people are taking advantage of this new legislation.

The United Nations should publish a yearly report, statistics and legislation concerning military service, alternative service and freedom from military service in member countries. Italy should propose this subject as a new item on this subject on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 13 - Of Speaking
In the Robert Muller schools the children are taught about their place in the universe in a very simple way: they are asked to fill out the following form and to draw at the end a picture of their home.  A child who has done this will not forget it for the rest of their life:


You are truly a citizen of the Universe!

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

We are living in a period of commerical globalization.
What we really need is spiritual globalization.
-- Sister Joan Chittister, Charter for Compassion Trailer
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[GMW #2560] Why Didn't We Listen To Robert Muller When He Spoke Up?

[GMW #2560] Why Didn't We Listen To Robert Muller When He Spoke Up?
Thursday 4 Oct 2012, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1501 to 2000
~ Idea 1554 ~ 12 October 1998

Some day, the servants of an infinitely stronger United Nations or of a true Earth Government or World Union will read with astonishment and disbelief the journals of UN officials of today like me. They will ask: how could they achieve so much faced as they were by the most incredible opposition and obstacles of political retardedness?

Well, dear UN officials and all peacemakers of today, please keep a journal. Historians will look for them in a hundred years. As someone said to me: in a hundred years people will exclaim: why didn't we listen to Robert Muller when he spoke up a century ago?

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 13 - Of Speaking
Humans will now enter a fascinating new period of evolution: added to Darwin's thesis of the survival of the fittest, to Mendell's law of heredity, to the genetic codification of our experiences in DNA and RNA, we are now blessed with the birth of a universal, global, planetary consciousness, which makes us recognize our false avenues, wrong values, and errors.  A new anthropology, economics, sociology, values systems, ethics, philosophy, morality, spirituality, and politics are being born under our eyes at the beginning of this new century and millennium.

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

The ideals which have always shone before me and
filled me with the joy of living are
goodness, beauty, and truth.
-- Albert Einstein

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[GMW #2559] It Is Urgent To Create A Proper World Democratic Earth Government

[GMW #2559] It Is Urgent To Create A Proper World Democratic Earth Government
Wednesday 3 Oct 2012, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1501 to 2000
~ Idea 1553 ~ 11 October 1998

Since the Millennium Peoples' Assembly in the year 2000 will have the same objectives as the United Nations General Assembly 2000 I hope that it will come up with very concrete proposals for an upgraded second generation United Nations or for a novel, proper world democratic Earth government.

It is becoming more and more urgent for governments to use the UN General Assembly of Heads of State in the year 2000 to create a proper system of Earth government.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 13 - Of Speaking
Secretary-General U Thant once asked an astrophysicist:
"Is it true what the Buddha believed, namely that humans will never be able to leave their solar system?"
The astrophysicist confirmed it:  humans are for all eternity prisoners of our minuscule solar system.  They will never be able to travel beyond its limits, despite all the fantasies of science fiction.
How lucky we are, therefore, to have our little planet to stand on, our oxygen to breathe, our sun to heat, illuminate and nourish us, our waters to quench our thirst.  But alas, to those who destroy it, to the pessimists who denigrate life we cannot even say:  "Love this planet or leave it," for there is no other place to go.  They will die on this Earth and be recycled in its ground, hopefully to be reborn as optimistic, life-loving creatures.

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Photo by Darrell Robinson. Location: Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, WA.

There is no medicine like hope,
no incentive so great, and
no tonic so powerful
as expectation of something better tomorrow.
-- Orison Swett Marden

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[GMW #2558] Creating Real Agricultural Revolution & Self Sufficiency

[GMW #2558] Creating Real Agricultural Revolution & Self Sufficiency
Tuesday 2 Oct 2012, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1501 to 2000
~ Idea 1552 ~ 10 October 1998

A few decades ago there was a very brilliant President of Costa Rica, Daniel Uruez, who wanted to obtain more agricultural products for the country and avoid the depopulation of the rural areas in favor of the capital San Jose where there was insufficient employment. He came up with this idea: he promised each peasant a free gift of a number of bags of beans, corn or rice to sow in the fields. If they had a good crop they were asked to give in turn free bags of those seeds to other poor peasants. As a result a real agricultural revolution took place which made Costa Rica self-sufficient in these products.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 13 - Of Speaking
Sometimes when I see nature, people, cars, airplanes, buildings, I stop walking and I say to myself:
"What an incredible globe this is, turning at 1666 kilometers per hour with so much life on it, with people standing on it, their heads pointing like antennas into all the directions of the universe, with leaves, plants, diatoms and algae avidly absorbing the energy emitted by our star.  And to think that we are the only planet of our sun, and perhaps of the entire universe, to possess life!  How can we not stand in endless awe before such a miracle, preserve it and make it the most perfect cosmic success in the universe.

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

My storehouse having been burnt down,
nothing obstructs
my view of the bright moon.
-- Masahide, Zen poet

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Protecting the life beside you - 隣に在る命を護る 

隣に在る命を護る Protecting the life beside you

Value your life.
Guard your life and the life of others.
The state of living is a true happiness.

Do not ever push others into trying to take away their own life.
And no one must take away their own life, ever, under any circumstance.

When one takes away their life, they will see that living was much better,
Instead of being captivated inside the darkness where no light may reach them easily, where
Souls will stay inside the timeless space,
Regrettiing that they have taken away their own life,
and suffer unbearably and unbelievably.
So please live on no matter what the circumstance may be.
Trust that the situation will always get better.

Please know that our soul is a gift from the Universe and may not be thrown away,
and that it is for your safety of your soul to live on instead of take your own life away.
Please remember this somewhere in your heart.
That if you see someone around you being pushed into something like this,
please notice the signs that they send out in a voiceless voice and encourage them right away.

Those who push those aside may not be taking it gravely that their conscious, words, actions,
all are carved into the unseen particles inside this Cosmic Space.
Thus these conscious that a person sends out to space will eventually return back to the person himself.

What ever happens, do not even slightly think inside your mind of
thoughts that may push someone aside into giving up a valuable life that they hold.
These thoughts will be compensated by the person who releases the thoughts.

Whatever happens, please do not give up in your life, value and guard your life with utmost care.
Giving up a life, trying to take a life away, goes against the conscious of the Universe
The moment this person loses his body and exit the body as a soul, he will be left with overload of regrets.
In the darkness where the lights may not reach him easily
these feelings will not escape him.
This darkness multiplies the conscious that the person held the last moment of their lifetime,
the pain and the suffering conscious stays in this space with him.
So please do live on, where ever you are, and what ever happens. 

After the soul receives its sought lessons, the rough roads that they walked will be as if nothing had happened,
He then realizing his own universal conscious sent mission in Earth, his manifest destiny, which we all hold,
The power to attract his own desired future attained, with much cosmic energy inside him, will be his given days then.
All is with the power of our visualization of the future, our notion, so please do not give up, ever.
If a person throws his life away, the family and friends will all be in sorrow.
The life taken away by his own intent, will hurt that soul permanently in the darkness, so courageously continue wtih your life instead of the path of the eternal-felt darkness.

The preciousness of each of our souls, our dimension and the spiritual dimension, how it is systemed,
these are valuable Educational Basis that all countries must implement inside their Schooling System
Please allow this to be voiced to the United Nation.

That it is not time for an Economical warfare, nor a religious warfare,
Please allow this to be voiced to the United Nation,
that each of our words realizes our prefered future through the power inside our language,
this is a Cosmic treasure that has been equally gifted to each person.
Even without a vocal wording, conscious is a word that speaks and connects us to the Cosmos.
Please do not mistake in the use of our precious language.
If the United Nation does not speak of the power inside the words,
to all of the countries and all of the people living here in Earth,
our Earth will not achieve Ascension in the form it should be accomplished and planned by the Cosmic Conscious.
This is not an age to go into money making.

Researching inside the soul continuation and the spiritual dimension of the afterlife, how this is deeply tied to Earth
it must be met with National Research Institutions being established,
perhaps an International Research Center being established,
These are voices and sincere prayers that must reach the Leaders of all Nations.

Life Insurance System which tries to associate costs for a life,
may bring an unimaginable and unwelcomed business,
thus this system of Life Insurance must be reexamined from its root.

There is no grand nor small for a soul.
Each and every insects beings have a soul, is a saying of Japan.
If that is the case, the humanity msut hold an immeasurable power supported through the cosmic conscious.
Do not ever feel any misbelief that you are powerless in the International Society.
Prayer will reach even the spiritually awakened dimension, no matter what dessert or mountain top you may be at,
Cosmic conscious will always hear your voice.

Keeping our emotion calmly,
and when we sense with our intuition a voiceless voice seeking for help
please encourage them and send your heartful words directly to their soul,
Communicate face to face, and please guard the life that is beside you.

Our own soul, and others soul around us are all connected in the basis in the unseen dimension.
Always move along with the cosmic mind and power in the root of our conscious.
Each must act before anything becomes too late.
Cosmic law must be taught in all countries since the birth of a child,
When the child enters preschool, the child should already be able to act upon the cosmic law
these are the necessary Educational reform for the future of the generation to come,
where the needs must be met before they are born here,
to our valuable mother planet Earth, and for the future of our humanity.

Article written and translated by Saori