Special] -Enthusiasm -
A Spiritual Power To
Accomplish Your Heart's
4 September 2016, Editor: Easy
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Enthusiasm - A Spiritual
Power To Accomplish Your
Heart's Desires
An important text which explains so
well enthusiasm (en theos, God in
"Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world, it beats money and power and influence. Single-handed the enthusiast convinces and dominates where the wealth accumulated by a small army would scarcely raise a tremor of interest. Enthusiasm tramples over prejudice and opposition, spurns inaction, storms the citadel of its object, and like an avalanche overwhelms and engulfs all obstacles. It is nothing more or less than faith in action. Faith and initiative rightly combined remove mountainous barriers and achieve the unheard of and the miraculous. Set the germ of enthusiasm afloat in your home, in your plant, in your office, or in your farm; carry it in your attitude and manner; it spreads like contagion and influences every fiber of your industry before you realize it; it means increase in production and decrease in costs; it means joy, and pleasure, and satisfaction to your workers; it means life, real, vital; it means spontaneous bedrock results - the vital things that pay dividends." Enthusiasm comes from the idea "to be inspired or possessed by God." It is defined as "inspiration by a divine or superhuman power." When you get enthusiastic about your life, when you look at yourself and get excited about what you see, spiritual power is unleashed in your life and you are lifted and transformed. "Well", you say, "But I don't like what I see". Excellent. Now is your opportunity to choose to see yourself in a new and different way. Now is the time to grab the "but" by its meaninglessness and do a different thing. It's about unleashing your indwelling divinity to accomplish your heart's desire. I behold the Christ in you and see it active in every area of your worthy life and I invite you to do the same." ~ Henry Chester. I fully agree with this great statement. I try to change enthusiastically what I do not like to see. I work with enthusiasm for the establishment of peace and paradise on Earth, even if it seems impossible. At least enthusiasm gets me closer to it. Please dear reader, work with enthusiasm for good causes. You will be astonished. Miracles will happen and untold happiness will be yours. ~ Robert Muller Tags: Enthusiasm, Joy, Life, Miracles, Happiness, Peace, Paradise, Influence, Contagious, Earth, Excellent, Choose, Change, New, Different, Excited, Pleasure, Vital, Christ, Live, Longer, Better, More from Robert Muller: RobertMuller.org Subscribe to/or unsubscribe from Robert Muller's GoodMorningWorld.org Click on any of these tags-labels to see more entries from Robert that have the tag-label: |
Good Morning World - Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller
Monday, August 29, 2016
[GMW Special] - Enthusiasm - A Spiritual Power To Accomplish Your Heart's Desires
Sunday, August 28, 2016
[GMW Special 3501-4000 Annex] Our Home - Planet Earth As Seen From Outer Space
[GMW Special
3501-4000 Annex] Our Home -
Planet Earth As Seen From Outer Space
3 September 2016, Editor: Easy
RobertMuller.org| Contact| Subscribe | Unsubscribe Biography| World Core Curriculum | Store | Facebook | Twitter GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish| Tagalog | Dutch
Astronaut's Reflections Our Home: Planet Earth as seen from Outer Space
Reflections of astronauts who had
the privilege to look down on
Earth from heaven. See
also Idea 4258.
My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity. Edgar Mitchell, USA. Now I know why I'm here, not for a closer look at the Moon, but to look back at our home The Earth. Alfred Worden, USA. The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in the blackness of space. As we got farther and farther away it diminished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of a marble, the most beautiful marble you can imagine. That beautiful, warm, living object looked so fragile, so delicate, that if you touched it with a finger it would crumble and fall apart. Seeing this has to change a person, has to make them appreciate the creation of God and the love of God. James Irwin, USA. When you look out the other way toward the stars you realize it's an awful long way to the next watering hole. Loren Acton, USA. If everyone could see the Earth from the moon, as we saw it, all the problems before the UN would be solved. Alan Shepard, USA. The artistic genius who painted our planet worked from a fantastic assortment of His palette and with unusually pure colors. We flew across the Crimea. It was autumn and corn was ripening in the Cuban area, the delicate yellows of the grain iridescent in a hundred shades. Fifteen minutes later we saw the soft green of the forest in the Taiga, then the dark brown of the Himalayas, and once again the long stretch across the lovely sapphire ocean. Anyone who has been in space knows that the impatiently awaited unearthliness quickly loses its charm. It is not the boring uniform blackness of the cosmic abyss that engages your attention, but the spectacle of our small planet haloed in blue. Suddenly, you get a feeling you never had before, that you are an inhabitant of Earth. Those who have been in space realized that, in spite of the complete disparity between them, they are one in an important way, namely, an acute feeling of being an inhabitant of Earth, a feeling of a personal responsibility to preserve the only planet we have. They realize that any predicament, disagreement, or obstacle can be overcome. Oleg Makarov, USSR. The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone, our home must be defended like a holy relic. Aleksei Leonov, USSR. The Earth at night looks even more magical than it does during the day. There is always a storm happening somewhere. Flashes of lightening sometimes cover up to a fourth of a continent. At first you see this as a natural disturbance, the eruption of splashes as a majestic spectacle. ...All of a sudden, against your will, you imagine that the lightening comes not from a natural storm, but from the explosions of bombs. No. This must never occur. Let only the northern lights and lightening blaze above our precious Earth. Valdimir Shatalov, USSR. During a space flight the psyche of each astronaut is reshaped. Having seen the sun, the stars, and our planet, you become more full of life, softer. You begin to look at all living things with the people around you. At any rate that is what happened to me. Boris Volynov, USSR. For the first time in my life I saw the horizon as a curved line. It was accentuated by a thin seam of dark blue light — our atmosphere. Obviously this was not the ocean of air I had been told it was so many times in my life. I was terrified by its fragile appearance. Ulf Merbold Federal Republic of Germany. Before I flew I was already aware of how small and vulnerable our planet is; but only when I saw it from space, in all its ineffable beauty and fragility, did I realize that humankind's most urgent task is to cherish and preserve it for future generations. Sigmund Jahn German Democratic Republic. The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day we were aware of only one Earth. Sultan Bin Salman al-Saud Saudi Arabia. From space I saw the Earth — indescribably beautiful with the scars of national boundaries gone. Muhammad Ahmand Faris, Syria. I have been in love with the sky since birth. And when I could fly, I wanted to go higher, to enter space and become a 'man of the heights'. During the eight days I spent in space, I realized that humankind needs height primarily to better know our long-suffering Earth, to see what cannot be seen close up. Not just to love her beauty, but also to ensure that we do not bring even the slightest harm to the natural world. Pham Tuan, Vietnam. The tears come to my eyes each time I read these moving statements. They should be known and inspire every school, every government, all institutions, all media, all corporations of the Earth. All heads of states and of major institutions and corporations should fly to outer space and look down to Earth. The whole future of the world would depend on it. ~ Robert Muller More from Robert Muller: RobertMuller.org Subscribe to/or unsubscribe from Robert Muller's GoodMorningWorld.org Click on any of these tags-labels to see more entries from Robert that have the tag-label: |
Outer Space,
Saturday, August 27, 2016
[GMW #3695] Give The World Your Vision & Proposals For An Ideal & Perfect Humanity
#3695] Give The World Your Vision & Proposals For An
Ideal & Perfect Humanity
Monday 13 February, 2017,
Editor: Easy
Idea Dream - Robert
Muller's Ideas 3001 to 4000
RobertMuller.org| Contact| Subscribe | Unsubscribe Biography| World Core Curriculum | Store |Facebook | Twitter GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish| Tagalog | Dutch
Idea 4090~
I will send to Mr. Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the UN
a copy of my latest Volume of 4000 Ideas and Dreams for a
Better World with this dedicate: To Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary
General of the United Nations with my warmest congratulations
for your re-election. I pray that you will give the world your
vision and proposals for an ideal and perfect humanity and
planet Earth. I wish you a happy, great, historic
Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume III - The Seasons of Life Chapter 6 - The Rich Age
Happy are those who have the privilege of
retirement, who have not been prematurely taken away from the
stream of life through sickness, war, violence, accident or death.
We can have no reasons for bitterness or regrets. We are the lucky
ones. We must thank God for every day of retirement.
Nations News Service, UN
Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.
Daily Ray of Hope
Photo by Alice Cahill | Osprey taken at Morro Bay, California The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man. ~ Charles Darwin More from Robert Muller: RobertMuller.org Subscribe to/or unsubscribe from Robert Muller's GoodMorningWorld.org Click on any of these tags-labels to see more entries from Robert that have the tag-label: |
The first 4000 Ideas
& Dreams For A Better World The Idea Dreams - With An Index |
4000 Ideas and Dreams,
Better World,
Mr. Kofi Annan,
Secretary General,
[GMW #3694] The Free Enterprise System Has Become Destructors Not Constructors
#3694] The Free Enterprise System Has Become Destructors Not
Friday 10 February, 2017,
Editor: Easy
Idea Dream - Robert
Muller's Ideas 3001 to 4000
RobertMuller.org| Contact| Subscribe | Unsubscribe Biography| World Core Curriculum | Store |Facebook | Twitter GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish| Tagalog | Dutch
~ Idea 4089~
The free enterprise system has to a large degree become the free
destruction system of the Earth. Innumerable constructors have
become destructors.
Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume III - The Seasons of Life Chapter 6 - The Rich Age
Retirement is also the time to make peace with the
Earth and the heavens, to prepare one's return to them in the
eternal flow of time. Our soul must be clear and purified for
re-entry into heaven. Our body must be prepared for proper
re-entry into the Earth and rebirth into other life forms.
Retirement from our occupational life must be a preparation for
rebirths into new lives. Visualize those lives and there is a good
chance that it will happen.
Nations News Service, UN
Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.
Daily Ray of Hope
Photo by Ralph Earlandson | Arches National Park, Utah Do the best you can, do not wait to cross the river when the water has all run down. ~ Swami Vivekananda More from Robert Muller: RobertMuller.org Subscribe to/or unsubscribe from Robert Muller's GoodMorningWorld.org Click on any of these tags-labels to see more entries from Robert that have the tag-label: |
The first 4000 Ideas
& Dreams For A Better World The Idea Dreams - With An Index |
Eternal Flow,
Life Forms,
[GMW #3693] Creating An Entirely New Democracy With Education, Linguistics
#3693] Creating An Entirely New Democracy With Education,
Thursday 09 February, 2017,
Editor: Easy
Idea Dream - Robert
Muller's Ideas 3001 to 4000
RobertMuller.org| Contact| Subscribe | Unsubscribe Biography| World Core Curriculum | Store |Facebook | Twitter GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish| Tagalog | Dutch
~ Idea
Carolyn Hawkins, who has been putting all these ideas on
computer and followed my efforts and contributed to them said to
me that there are two fundamental issues to be looked at in
order to arrive at a critical mass phenomenon.
The first one is linguistics which does not yet express the more profound preoccupations of the human species. She proposes that at the beginning of the next five hundred ideas I should deal with the problem. The second condition is education in order to pass on to the children, youth and adults the monumental experience and dangers which we are crossing. That would bring about a change. The critical mass would lead to an entirely new democracy. The current one does no longer respond to the needs for the societal changes of this planet. We have to pass through a critical mass experience which will open our eyes to an entirely new future and ways. Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume III - The Seasons of Life Chapter 6 - The Rich Age
Retirement can be so beautiful. It is the
seventh day of Creation: the work is done, one can look back and,
like God, feel proud. It is the marvelous age of taking stock, of
concluding, of thinking deeply about the meaning of life, of one's
own life in particular. It is the age of new reasons for
happiness: to philosophize, to be closer to God, to altruism, to
social work, to peaceful, charitable, humanitarian causes, to the
little children who need to be taught the mysteries and ways of
life through loving stories, etc.
Nations News Service, UN
Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.
When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms. ~ Ma Jaya Sati More from Robert Muller: RobertMuller.org Subscribe to/or unsubscribe from Robert Muller's GoodMorningWorld.org Click on any of these tags-labels to see more entries from Robert that have the tag-label: |
The first 4000 Ideas
& Dreams For A Better World The Idea Dreams - With An Index |
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