Sunday, March 13, 2011

[GMW #2170] World Public Common Service Enterprises Stock Market

[GMW #2170] World Public Common Service Enterprises Stock Market
Monday 14 March 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500
~ Idea 1421 ~    1 June 1998

Perhaps a state enterprises stock market, even a world enterprises stock market should be created, so that people could invest their savings in public common service enterprises if they prefer them to private enterprise, the latter being subject to speculations, risks and staggering waste caused by excessive competition. 

Darwinism, which is being challenged for evolution should also be challenged with regard to business and economics.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 4 - Of Positive Living
If you are a poet surround yourself with images and works of great poets.
If you are a musician, by music of your favorite composers.
If you are a doctor, by books of famous doctors.
If you are a states person, by busts and biographies of great statespersons.
If you are a world servant, by images and works of great world servants.

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Beautiful Celebration
Dearest Margaret,
Thank you for celebrating Robert's life with us.
Yes, he was there with all of us in love and gratitude for you
and the 160 who took time to say thank you!

Love and thank you for your kind comments in your e-mail and for being you!
Dear Barbara,
What a beautiful day!   What a beautiful celebration of
Robert Muller's life!   His love radiated out to all who were
there.   What fantastic wisdom he shared.  People will
be asking him questions long into the century and they
will be pleased to receive the answers in his many books
and writings.  Maybe the world will catch up to him some day.

I am so pleased that Good Morning World is continuing.
I have just subscribed.

Ode To Joy will even be more special to me now
that I know it was his favorite.

With warmest greetings,

Remarks at
Memorial Service for Robert Muller
[delivered by Mr. Kiyo
Akasaka, USG for Communications and Public Information]

I offer sincere condolences to all the family members, friends, former
colleagues and others who have gathered to mourn the loss and
commemorate the life of Dr. Robert Muller. I thank the Global Security
Institute for hosting this service.

I did not know Dr. Muller personally, but I am well aware of the very
high regard in which he is held throughout the United Nations
community. And I do know this: when death claims a staff member who
brought such tremendous passion and commitment to our work, and who
devoted so many decades to this Organization, it is a loss for the
living United Nations family as a whole.

Robert Muller was a justifiably renowned figure. His creativity and
influence were instrumental in the conception of scores of
multilateral bodies, including the UN Development Programme, the World
Food Programme, the UN Population Fund, and the World Youth Assembly
-- some of the key endeavours that define the United Nations and our
global work. He knew that these could not be impersonal institutional
structures but, rather, had to be alive with vision, compassion and a
powerful sense of human unity.

Dr. Muller brought precisely that spirit to whatever task he
undertook. For him, the entire human family was his family. He also
helped orchestrate the first-ever UN Conference on the Human
Environment in Stockholm in 1972, and was deeply involved in many
other global gatherings. His career spanned the decades, the issues,
and even almost all the professional ranks of the Secretariat –
starting from the P1 level and rising steadily to
Assistant-Secretary-General, directly serving three of my
predecessors. He also had a tremendous imprint on global education,
including through the University of Peace, and richly earned the
UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 1989.

We will miss our optimist-in-residence, as some called him. But he
remains a source of inspiration, and his example and his teachings
will continue to guide us in our global mission of peace, development
and human rights. On this day that would have been his 88th birthday,
let us celebrate just the same - the life of a remarkable man who
brought hope and good works to the world.

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