#2162] Revolt Against The Abuses And The War Against The Wonderful, The Miraculous Nature Of This Planet
Wednesday 2 March
2011, Editor: Easy| RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Biography | World Core Curriculum | Store | Facebook | Twitter | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500
~ Idea 1403 ~ 14 May 1998
Sitting at our meditation and prayer place in the jungle and listening to the water trickling down from an ancient tank into a carved-out stone of the indigenous people, I was so at peace and thinking: what a miraculous planet this is, which has water, the fountain of life, and is probably the only planet in the universe which fulfilled the innumerable conditions to be able to produce life. And yet here we are, the supposedly most intelligent species developed on it over eons of time, and we destroy a species every five minutes, a species which it also took eons to time to form. I want to shout this to the heavens for all humanity, God and the saints to hear: please, dear human brothers and sisters, revolt against the abuses and the war against the wonderful, the miraculous nature of this planet. Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 4 - Of Positive Living
You do not shovel darkness out of a room.
You simply switch on the light. It is the same with life: do not empty the darkness. Make light and the darkness will disappear.
UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.
of Life for Robert
New York on March 11, 2011
Church Center for the United Nations, NY, NY
The Muller Family and the Global Security
Institute graciously invites you to join us in honoring Dr. Robert
Muller (1923-2010).
More information here: http://goodmorning-world.blogspot.com/2011/02/honoring-robert-muller-friday-march-11.html Good morning dearest GoodMorningWorld Readers, Thank you for your kind messages from around the world. Please know I read everyone of them. For those not able to attend March 11 in New York, Robert's 88th birthday, at 1:15 please have minute of silence. At 1:25 we are asking the world to sing along with us, Let There be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin With Me. We all are peacemaker where ever we are. love, Barbara Muller www.goodmorningworld.org --- Dear Barbara: I am sending condolences on the loss of your dear husband. He was an inspiration to many of us. I often quoted Robert in my talks. He was a great inspiration. My friends Deborah Moldow and Rick Ulfik told me about the program and reception on March 11th and I plan on attending. Sincerely yours, Diane Williams Founding Chairperson NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns at the United Nations in NY --- Best wishes, Diane Unfortunately I will be unable to join you in NY to celebrate the memory for our dear deported friend. I think of Robert every March 11, since I knew that we had the same birthday (mine started in 1920). For very many years, we were comrades in arms fighting to eliminate war and inhumanity. His books and "Good Morning America", his hopeful messages and his infinite array of good common sense ideas was, and remains, an inspiration Gertrude, my wife has reminded me not to forget to add her name to our belated expression of sympathy. We hope that you are doing well and carrying on the noble work of our revered friend. . With warm greetings and all good wishes always, Ben and Gertrude. Benjamin B. Ferencz Website: WWW. BENFERENCZ.ORG --- A FEW WORDS IN MEMORIUM WHEN I MET AND TALKED WITH DR MULLER IN THE LATE '80S AND EARLY 90S HIS WARM ENCOURAGEMENT OF MY PROJECT TO MAKE THE ICJ BETTER KNOWN AS AN ASSET TO A PEACEFUL WORLD HELPED INSPIRE THE WRITING OF "THE WORLD COURT IN ACTION" HOWARD ---Dear Barbara, It is an honor to be invited to a celebration of Robert's life. I work on the International Day of Peace and Interfaith Issues. Robert's vision gave me my work! I never hear Ode to Joy without thinking of him and his harmonica! I look forward to attending. Please let me know if you need extra hands for anything. I would be honored to help. We have met a couple of times but I feel as though I know you much better because of all the dear friends we share. We knew that Robert died on the eve of IDP and he was prayed for on IDP at the UN as were you. My love and prayers are with you and I look forward to seeing you on the 11th. I need to look into Chases.org and get IDP listed. I think we need a team to help expand IDP this year. We will find some interns and begin this process. You are most welcome to share my message with GoodMorningworld. May Peace Prevail on Earth, Monica Monica Willard United Religions Initiative United Nations NGO Representative www.uri.org The purpose of the United Religions Initiative is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Books recommended by Robert are here. Other newsletters by GMW's editor can be viewed and subscribed to here. Subscribe to or unsubscribe from GoodMorningWorld.org |
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