Monday, April 11, 2016

[GMW #3506] Special Sacred Places Elevate, Inspire And Enlighten With Cosmic Universal Nature

[GMW #3506] Special Sacred Places Elevate, Inspire And Enlighten With Cosmic Universal Nature Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 4000
~ Idea 3906 ~
There are places on Earth which are very special, which have a power of elevation, inspiration and enlightenment, almost of a cosmic, universal nature. Sacred Mt. Rasur where the first University for Peace and Earth Council of this planet are located is such a place.

I wish that Gaia scientists (scientists of the Earth) would study such places.

It is perhaps there that the capitals of the Earth, the offices of the heads of states and the heads of all world and regional organizations should be located. It would lead to a fundamental transformation and elevation of humanity and of the entire planet to the ultimate success of the cosmic forces of the universe to achieve paradise Earth.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume III - The Seasons of Life
Chapter 1 -
The Span of Life

When I am sad or unhappy all I have to do is seize one of my old journals and read it, and I become again forthwith one of the happiest persons on Earth.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Wholeness -- a state in which consciousness
and the unconscious work together in harmony.
~ Daryl Sharp 

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