Monday, February 4, 2013

[GMW #2648] Proper World Order That Does Not Tolerate Government Abuse Of Power

[GMW #2648] Proper World Order That Does Not Tolerate Government Abuse Of Power  Idea Dream -Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3041 ~   

In a survey of proper world order one country to be looked into would be Switzerland:

Switzerland is a country which has managed to escape world attention with its policy of Swiss neutrality.  I mentioned already the location of the second biggest United Nations Office in the world, its European Office in Geneva and of so many United Nations specialized agencies and world programs in Switzerland which is not even a member of the United Nations!  Perhaps the effort of Switzerland to get so many international offices established on its soil was to get a good neutral international image in order to divert attention from a number of major misdoings which are being held against it, e.g. Switzerland as a world tax haven; Switzerland and its secret bank accounts said to accept deposits from anyone including dictators and world traffickeers.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II  Chapter2  Of Happiness
Improve everything that increases happiness
Reduce everything that diminishes happiness.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.


Games are the most elevated form of investigation.

- Albert Einstein -
15 Serious Games Aiming to Change the World

Using games for purposes other than entertainment is nothing new. There are war games, educational games, throne games. But a new class of games has sprung up in recent years, designed to create awareness and raise support for a variety of global issues. Such serious games seek to harness the power of competition and/or novelty to attract players and get the word out for a good cause. Here are 15 games you can play and be a better person for it. { read more }

Dearest Barbara and GMW readers;

I was reading about Robert Muller's words in Good Morning World [GMW #2109] ~ Idea 1314 ~ 17 December 2010 ...
"The Institute of Peace in Washington which was originally conceived as a West Point for the training of peacemakers, was accepted by President Reagan on the condition that it would only produce peace studies but not educate or train peacemakers."
Spiritual Human Beings are beings of divine light and love at the core of our beings, their Essence. We know love and about all the beautiful actions or energies grounded IN love. Spiritual Human Beings don't have to learn to be who we are.

Let's listen to our hearts. The Art of the heart. The language of the heart. Love never ceases to call us forward.

Let's remind each other, by inspiration and by modeling our Divine Essence, who we are, let's make it obvious, we are PEACEMAKERS.

Let's thank Dr. Robert Muller for being that inspiration and for offering stimulation of thought and heartfelt actions. Everyone is invited!!!

Love and Light!
Universal Peace Ambassador (#314)
On Twitter: @BePeaceInLove

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