Wednesday, December 7, 2011

[GMW #2349] Proper Earth Government Eliminating Service Duplication Including Military Establishments

[GMW #2349] Proper Earth Government Eliminating Service Duplication Including Military Establishments
Wednesday 14 December 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500
ANNEX - after Idea 1200 (Continued)
6. in view of the chaos of the purely nation-state system and its colossal duplications of services (e.g. the military establishments) and their financial costs, I recommend that we urgently agree on the absolute, imperative, unavoidable need to create a proper Earth Government

either in the form of the transformation and vast upgrading of the United Nations
or a federal Earth Government,
or a United States of the World,
or a World Union on the model of the recent European Union,
or an extension of the European Union to other regions,
or of five continental unions with a world super-structure,
or an Earth Government patterned on bio-regional or bio-organizational models offered by nature itself.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume II Chapter 5 - Of Love
Why do they call me sweetheart?
Why is the heart sweet?
Because the heart is full of love.
Our granddaughter Lucia
7 years old

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

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continued unceasing blessings to you all.......and thank you so much    
you are truly awesome   
peace and love and happiness      
you and yours may God bless

-- Linda

"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and 
give thanks for another day of loving."
- Khalil Gibran

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