Monday, May 30, 2011

[GMW #2226] The Peace, The Cleanliness, The Beauty And The Happiness Of All On This Magnificent Planet Begin In The Mind, The Heart And In the Hands Of Each Of Us

[GMW #2226] The Peace, The Cleanliness, The Beauty And The Happiness Of All On This Magnificent Planet Begin In The Mind, The Heart And In the Hands Of Each Of Us
Tuesday 31 May 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500

In the late seventies I decided to write a book for my children, telling some of the most important lessons I had learned in my life of war and peace.  It was published under the title Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness, Doubleday in 1978 and was shortly thereafter translated into German.  The Austrian publisher, Helmut von Loebell, invited me to the Frankfurt annual bookfair for the launching of the German edition.  When I arrived in Frankfurt and we walked together to the Fair, I saw him bend once in a while, pick up trash and put it into a bag.  I looked at him and asked him why he was doing that.  He answered:  "Because some months ago I heard the speech of an Austrian monk, Brother Steindl-Rast who told the audience how he had met a United Nations official who was picking up trash along his way to the train station in order to ensure and enjoy the cleanest mile on Earth."  He smiled at me, and added, "I got interested in you and decided to publish your book in German."

After my retirement from the UN, fate did not want me to return to my beloved Alsace-Lorraine, but decided that I should be the first one-dollar-a-year Chancellor of the first University for Peace on Earth in one of the first demilitarized countries, Costa Rica.  The University is located in a marvelous area of preserved tropical forests, on a sacred hill, Mount Rasur, from which, according to a local indigenous prophecy, a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.

Next to the University a beautiful farmland was for sale.  I loved to walk on it and to dream that if I were younger I would buy it.  Then one day I read this text I had written a few days before my retirement from the UN:

"I dream that someday as a sort of elder of the United Nations I will live on a hill with a breathtaking view and spend my last days writing the beautiful stories of my life, and my visions for a better world."

Well, that was a signal from fate.  One must never miss fulfilling one's dreams.  I bought the farm, live on it, have a breathtaking view, and am writing the stories of my life and my visions for a better world.  Every day I walk from it to the University for Peace, ensuring that it is the cleanest mile on Earth.  And here again the tourists are looking at me with curiosity and doubt that I will ever win.

My dear, beloved wife, Margarita, alas has left this Earth.  I visit her tomb often, reporting to her and asking for her help from the world of the spirits.  I noticed that the cemetery has also a good amount of trash.  So I decided to make it the cleanest cemetery on Earth.  And I have succeeded too.

There is one major duty where I have not succeeded, alas.  When visiting the Hopi people in Arizona, a Hopi woman asked me if she could give me a better name than Robert Muller (Red Beard the Miller).  It is women who have the task of giving names.  I accepted and she gave me the name Kogyun Deyo.  I asked her what it meant.  "It means Spider Boy.  Your task will be to make a vast spider web, to catch in it all evil on Earth and then to throw it far away into the universe."

On that task I have not succeeded, although I cannot complain about the many positive results I have obtained during my forty years at the United Nations.  And I continue to try relentlessly and against all odds.  I am writing this story at dawn in my little farmhouse with a breathtaking view on Mount Rasur, triggered off by the publisher of a nice magazine of good stories, Heron Dance, who liked my book Most of All They Taught Me Happiness.  Since the 11th of July of last year, when the countdown to the year 2000 began, I have also been writing a compendium of Two Thousand Ideas for a Better World:  Perhaps each of them will not represent more than one little mile on Earth.  But if each of the 5.6 billion people on this planet would take care of a little mile, there would not be enough miles to clean for all.  The peace, the cleanliness, the beauty and the happiness of all on this magnificent planet begin in the mind, the heart and in the hands of each of us.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 5 - Of Love
We shall never learn to feel and respect our real calling and destiny, unless we have taught ourselves to consider everything as moonshine, compared with the education of the heart."  -- Sir Walter Scott

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Photo Credit: Maciej CiupaLocation: Lake Ocoee, TN
Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake.
-- Wallace Stevens

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

[GMW #2225] The Cleanest Mile On Earth

[GMW #2225] The Cleanest Mile On Earth
Monday 30 May 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500

From The Third five Hundred Ideas And Dreams
For A Better World - ANNEX

The Cleanest Mile on Earth

One must never miss fulfilling one's dreams

Shortly after World War II during which I had witnessed and suffered so many horrors, I was lucky to be selected as one of the first United Nations interns at Lake Success, Long Island, where the UN started in an abandoned war factory.  As a Frenchman coming from the beautiful region of Alsace-Lorraine, I did not like New York City and its skyscrapers, and I did not like overcrowded Long Island.  After my internship I took a trip by train to Canada where I wanted to visit indigenous people of whom I had dreamt when I was a child.  The train followed many miles the beautiful Hudson Valley.  As I looked out of the window, I said to myself: "If fate ever wants me to work for the United Nations, I would select one of the beautiful little villages along this river to live in."

Fate fulfilled my dream.  I was hired as a permanent official of the UN which moved to Manhattan.  I married another intern, from Chile, who had come to the United Nations to fight for women's rights.  I remembered my dream to live in one of the villages in the Hudson Valley and we selected a garden apartment in the beautiful and peaceful village of Dobbs Ferry.  Years later, when we inherited some money from our deceased parents, we bought a house with an acre of land in the neighboring village of Ardsley, where we moved with our four children and lived happily until my retirement from the United Nations four decades later.

From our house in Ardsley I liked to walk to the train station on the bank of the Hudson River.  It was a beautiful walk, about a mile long.  In the 1960s I began to notice a lot of fresh trash along the road.  It was the period of "keeping up to the Joneses" when the ideal of many Americans was to have a big flashy car with fins, the latest model of course, and to drive to the station with a big cigar in the mouth, throwing trash out of the window.  I decided to do something about it.  I took a bag along with me and progressively picked up the trash.  My neighbors stopped their car when they saw me, and commented: "Mr. Muller, you are wasting your time.  You will never win.  There will always be new trash."

Well, they were wrong.  I discovered that once the trash has been removed, there is little additional trash, and there is no difficulty in keeping a road clean.  The only time when more efforts are needed is in spring after the snow has melted.  The battle-ship cars and the cigars later began to disappear, and people became more concerned about pollution of the environment.  For years I could gladly note that I had won my tiny battle and was walking every day on the cleanest mile on Earth.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 5 - Of Love
"I have seen the truth.  It is not as though I had invented it with my mind.  I have seen it, and the living image of it has filled my soul for ever...  In one day, one hour, everything could be arranged at once.  The chief thing is love."    -- Dostoevski

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Where Poetry Comes From

If you want to change the world, change the metaphor.

- Joseph Campbell -

Where Poetry Comes From

"I think poetry always comes out of what you don't know. And with students I say, knowledge is very important. Learn languages. Read history. Read, listen, above all, listen to everybody. Listen to everything that you hear. Every sound in the street. Every bird and every dog and everything that you hear. But know all of your knowledge is important, but your knowledge will never make anything. It will help you to form the things, but what makes something is something that you will never know. It comes out of you. It's who you are." Pulitzer Prize winning poet W.S. Merwin reflects with Bill Moyers on language, his writing process, the natural world, and the insights gleaned from a much-lauded career of more than 50 years. { read more }

Be The Change

Write a poem today.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

[GMW #2224] Robert Muller - Love -- A Love For Life And For Creation

[GMW #2224] Robert Muller - Love -- A Love For Life And For Creation
Friday 27 May 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500

From The Third five Hundred Ideas And Dreams
For A Better World

The Cleanest Mile on Earth*

One must never miss fulfilling one's dreams.

Editor's Note: I worked on Wall Street for eight years.  Owned a small firm that did research for mutual funds and acquirers of companies.  There were some dark, desperate days.  I found a book in the library, Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness, that helped me through.  Recently I wrote the author, Robert Muller, asking for permission to quote from his books.  He wrote me back two beautiful letters and the essay that follows.

When I think of Robert Muller, I think of the state of mind a few of us are somehow able to live in.  It is best described as Love — a love for life and for creation.  It is the life that revolves around an appreciation of beauty, of friendship, of nature.  Life abundant, but life based on material simplicity.  Robert Muller is an inspiration to me.  - Rodcrick W. MacIver

*From HERON DANCE, a magazine devoted to the search for meaning of life and inner peace, August 1995.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 5 - Of Love
"We are given one blessing:  love, which cannot be taken away from us.  Only love, and all the joys will be yours, the sky, the trees, people, and even yourself." - Leo Tolstoy

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Photo Credit: fotorobertoLocation: Lake Hodges, CA
There are never enough "I love you's."
-- Lenny Bruce

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[GMW #2223] A World Union Of Nations

[GMW #2223] A World Union Of Nations
Thursday 26 May 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500
~ Idea 1493 ~    12 August 1998

I recommend that the 16 nations of the European Union and others interested in following the same path should form a new group in the United Nations and work together in the light of their experience towards the creation of a World Union of all nations.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 5 - Of Love
"Love is the force that moves and holds the heavens and the stars together."
Dante, The Divine Comedy

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

"Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves."
- Edwin Way Teale

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[GMW #2222] Creating Institutional Arrangements For Democracy In The World

[GMW #2222] Creating Institutional Arrangements For Democracy In The World
Wednesday 25 May 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500
~ Idea 1478 ~    28 July 1998

In its efforts to strengthen world democracy, the Panel of Personalities of UNESCO on this subject should give consideration to world public opinion polls and peoples' referenda. 

Also there is no office in the UN System which follows the fate and functioning of democracy in the world.  The Panel should recommend that this should be corrected. 

Democracy in the world is of such importance that institutional arrangements must be created for it.  Perhaps the UN Trusteeship Council which has completed its mandate could be replaced by a Council on Democracy.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 5 - Of Love
Love must start at home.  How can we love others if we do not love ourselves and our next of kin?

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Daily Good

a project of CharityFocus

Making a Case for Mindfulness

Adversity introduces a man to himself.
- Albert Einstein -

Making a Case for Mindfulness

Growing numbers of attorneys are embracing some form of practice to achieve mindfulness. Their reasons for doing so are varied, but chief among them are stress management and improved mental and physical health. This is a hopeful shift, given the well-known Johns Hopkins study which found that lawyers are more prone to depression than members of any other profession. In the most recent study, Harvard researchers found that practicing a form of mindful meditation for as little as 30 minutes a day for eight weeks resulted in measurable changes in the brain regions involved in learning, memory, emotion regulation and stress. Charles Halpern, a trailblazing public interest lawyer notes that a growing openness to the practice of mindfulness "is making us more skilled and effective as lawyers, more focused, more active listeners, better at helping our clients and serving justice, and doing it in a way that is sustainable."
 { read more }
Submitted by: Lavanya

Be The Change

Talk with a few coworkers today about how they manage stress. { more }

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

[GMW #2221] Effective Earth Government - Orderly, Beneficial Management Of The Earth

[GMW #2221] Effective Earth Government - Orderly, Beneficial Management Of The Earth
Tuesday 24 May 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500
~ Idea 1477 ~    27 July 1998

My God, how George Washington would be shocked if he saw the present mess in the world and the lack of vision and leadership of the US to bring about progress in the orderly, beneficial management of the Earth, possibly through a United States of the World.  Yes, he would not even see an effort to transform the United Nations born on American soil into an effective Earth government.  Where is the resurrected US George Washington today?

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 5 - Of Love
As the eye encompasses in one glance millions of bits of information, so must our heart encompass in one stroke the wondrous complexity of life and Creation.

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Photo Credit: Troy MasonLocation: Lake Wenatchee State Park, WA
All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together.
-- Jack Kerouac

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[GMW #2220] Learning To Be Careful Managers Of Our Planet With Global Consciousness

[GMW #2220] Learning To Be Careful Managers Of Our Planet With Global Consciousness
Monday 23 May 2011, Editor: Easy
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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500

~ Ideas 1455 to 1466 ~    5 to 16 July 1998

I have been invited to attend again a Findhorn conference in England but am unable to go.  To support the advocacy work of that splendid environmental organization, I reproduce here the following text:

Transcript of short talk by Robert Muller
to the Ecovillages and Sustainable Development Conference
in Findhorn, in October 1995

In my 40 years in the UN, I have seen three very basic changes.  From 1945-70 the UN was focused on humanism and humans; on avoiding war, on preventing children dying, and on The Declaration of Human Rights.  The Charter of the UN does not mention the Earth.  Why?  Because in our belief the Earth was limitless.  This continued until the late 60's when poets like Rachel Carson and advanced countries like Sweden began to notice that something was wrong with nature around us.

A completely new period of history thus started with the First World Conference on the Environment in Sweden in 1972.  There was continuation of the preoccupation with humans, but also a new preoccupation with the world around us.  It was only in the late 60's that we realized that we had a population problem, because the fertility rate continued at about the same level, while the mortality rate was declining.  The population explosion intensified the problem of the environment.  In 1980 we began to get warnings from climatologists that something was going wrong with the world's climate.

As a result since 1980 we have entered a third period – from now on the Earth is number one, and humanity is number two.  Humanity is number two because we wish humans to decline on this planet.  And we have begun to question the consumption of resources by Western countries which is 30 times the amount consumed by developing countries.  Believing that the world was unlimited, we started with the discipline and science called economics, (from Greek, oikonomos, the management of the home), before ecology, (the Greek, oikologos, the knowledge of the home).  We began to manipulate the home before we knew what we were manipulating.  Economics should have been and should become a sub-science of ecology.

The prospect of the third millennium has an incredible effect.  Humanity is preparing itself for a new millennium and century.  I have pages and pages of events which will take place even beyond the year 2000.

There is reason for optimism.  Humanity is really trying.  But we are only in the kindergarten of the global age.  We have not yet learned to be the careful managers of our planet.  We are still its exploiters.

I have just attended the Gorbachev meeting on the State of the World in San Francisco, and  I have gained a lot of hope.  They had the courage to get some of the best world experts to look into the state of the world and into the future, to create a vision of the society we want in the next millennium...and then do it.  They want to implement the population plan, support simple and frugal lives, and get multinational corporations to acquire global consciousness.  This gives me hope.  From a pessimistic young man, when I entered the UN immediately after World War II, I have become an optimistic elder.

Let me give you some very specific recommendations and ideas:

Idea 1455    Create a World Association of Eco-Communities to be NGO-accredited by the UN.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 5 - Of Love
Love is our only salvation, the only cement and uplifting force that holds us upright in the mysterious, fathomless universe. 

Love is our voluntary, conscious, willful endearment with life, with the Earth and with the positive flows of the universe.

UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Photo Credit: June Marie SobritoLocation: Larchmont, NY
When nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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