#2146] Two Political Parties For The World - Party Of The Poor And The Natural Law Party
Tuesday 8
2010, Editor: Easy| RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Biography | World Core Curriculum | Store | Facebook | Twitter | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1001 to 1500
~ Idea 1383 ~ 24 April 1998
I recommend that two world political parties be created on this planet: a World Party of the Poor and the extension of the Natural Law Party which exists already in 85 countries to the entire planet. All existing parties belong to an earlier period of human history and challenges. Also, when political leaders are of the same party, great things can happen. My compatriot Robert Schuman, the saintly founder of the borderless European Union once told me that this was possible only because Konrad Adenauer of Germany, Alcide de Gasperi from Italy and he himself from France were all three Christian Democrats Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 4 - Of Positive Living Always select the via positiva of the monks, the positive way.
UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc. Believers in Small Graces by Kent Nerbern ![]() They may be found standing in humble awe before a sunset, or weeping quietly at the beauty of a Bach concerto, or filled with an overflowing of pure love at the sight of an infant in the arms of its mother. You may meet them visiting the elderly, comforting the lonely, feeding the hungry, and caring for the sick. The greatest among them may give away what they own in the name of compassion and goodness, while never once uttering the word “God” out loud. Or they may do no more than offer a smile or a hand to someone in need, or quietly bow their heads at a moment of beauty that passes through their lives, and say a simple prayer of gratitude to the spirit that has created us all. They are the lovers of the quiet God, the believers in the small graces of ordinary life. Theirs is not the grand way, the way of the mystic or the preacher or the zealot or the saint. Some would say that theirs is not a way at all. All they know for certain is that life has beauty and a joy that transcends all the darkness that surrounds us, that something ineffable lives beyond the ordinary affairs of the day, and that without this mystery our lives would not be worth living. I honor those who search for the quiet God, who seek the spirit in the small moments of our everyday life. It is a celebration of the ordinary, a reminder that when all else is stripped away, a life lived with love is enough. --Kent Nerbern Books recommended by Robert are here. Other newsletters by GMW's editor can be viewed and subscribed to here. Subscribe to or unsubscribe from GoodMorningWorld.org |
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