#2101] Shifting To Global Dominant Values Of Love - Kindness,
Spirituality, Compassion, Justice, Cooperation, Gratitude, Forgiveness,
Prayer, Meditation, Hope
Tuesday 7
2010, Editor: Easy| RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Biography | World Core Curriculum | Store | Facebook | Twitter | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1 to 500
~ Idea 1301 ~ 1 February 1998
The gravest problem of our time is that the dominant values of the western world are business, wealth, prominence, power, strength, glory, sovereignty and not the perennial values taught by great religious leaders and philosophers over millennia: kindness, spirituality, compassion, justice, cooperation, gratitude, forgiveness, prayer, meditation, hope, and above all love. Yes, what is missing most is love for humanity and for our miraculous mother Earth whose elements we are made of, depend on and will return to. There are more and more peoples' organizations who are saying this. May their views be heard at the Peoples' Assembly 2000 which will accompany the UN General Assembly 2000. May they redress the current hierarchy of values and wrong course of history. That is the fundamental challenge on the eve of the 21st century. If I were the Secretary General of the UN, I would call for a world conference on the meaning and fulfillment of human life and declare the next century the Century of Love and Happiness. Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 4 - Of Positive Living We must divide the world not into East and West, North and South, black and white, but into optimists and pessimists, those who believe in life and the future and those who do not. Someday this will be the main division of humans, and someday it will disappear too, leaving only a united humanity that rejoices in the miracle of life.
UN News Sources - UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service , UN Wire News Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Rights of: Children, Women, Indigenous People To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc. "The heart is the chief feature of a functioning mind." -Frank Lloyd Wright Books recommended by Robert are here. Other newsletters by GMW's editor can be viewed and subscribed to here. Subscribe to or unsubscribe from GoodMorningWorld.org |
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