To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,
to enact gratitude is generous and noble,
but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.
Johannes A. Gaertner
The World Association Of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows
In Honor and Memory
Dr. Robert G. Muller
The World Association of Former United Nations Internes and
Fellows (WAFUNIF) records with profound grief the sad demise of Dr.
Robert G. Muller, on 20th September 2010, the eve of the International
Day of Peace.
He was one of the most ardent supporters of this
organization and, despite his various other engagements, he remained
closely associated with it in multitudinous capacities until his last
breath. Besides being one of the founding fathers and an original
member, he was an honorary inductee and a distinguished promoter. He
was an eminent patron and an imaginative mentor as well as an energetic
advisor and a affable counsel. He further served WAFUNIF as
Director-at-Large, Executive Director, Vice President, and Vice
President Emeritus. As a noble man, with active disposition and
pioneering spirit, he played an extremely constructive role in these
positions. Specially, he gave a new push to the organization's programs
on global peace, human entirety, environmental safeguard, and
ecological balance. Still, going even far beyond, he used to talk about
spirituality, universalism, and cosmology, as also to be our concerns.
In recognition of these celebrated services and thoughts,
the Association itself always held him with the highest esteem,
including in particular the bestowal of the award of
Outstanding Distinction.
Life Sketch:
Hailing from France, as a young man of twenty five, he came
to New York as a member of the first group of the UN Internes and
Fellows (affectionately called Mohawks) in 1948. The internship led him
to the corridors of the United Nations and opened the doors to his
vision for global peace and harmony, setting him on a life path that
took some forty years of work at the United Nations, raising him to the
rank of Assistant Secretary-General. This afforded him opportunities of
indulging deeply and practically in the domain of international
affairs, giving him a purposeful channel to direct his energies.
In 1986, as a co-founder, he became the Chancellor of the
University for Peace at San Jose in Costa Rica. Here he worked
laboriously and diligently in building up this institution in the cause
of world peace and security, which continued to flourish, under his
Subsequently, as an ardent advocate of peace, he ran a broadcasting
program Good Morning World that religiously spread the message of
amicability all around. In the same zeal, he produced a World Core
Curriculum, being taught in numerous schools around the world. Dwelling
on the same lines, he furthermore developed several innovative
Frameworks on Planetary and Cosmic Consciousness, Arts and Culture, and
World Media Coverage. Ablazed with the very tenet, he wrote many books
in various languages, evoking consciousness for a peaceful and
harmonious planet. Thus, as an ardent advocate of peace, hope, and
unity, he carried out his mission successfully.
For his ideas and deeds for global harmony and human
welfare, he was widely acclaimed as a great advocate of peace.
Accordingly, he was accorded with many distinctions. Amongst these, he
won the UNESCO Peace Education Prize with an honorary title of
Father of Global Education
(1989), Albert Scwitzer International Prize for the Humanities, Eleanor
Roosevelt Man of Vision Award, WAFUNIF's Award of Outstanding
Distinction (1995), Nuclear Age Peace Foundation World Citizen Award
(2002), GOI Peace Award (2003), and Lifetime Achievement Award (2010).
While we mourn deeply the loss, we stand here to honor and
remember him for his exemplary character, profound affection, intense
devotion, and momentous achievements. We pray for his salvation and
offer the heartiest condolences to the bereaved family.
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