Tuesday, August 5, 2014

[GMW #3054] A New General Science Of Sustainability On Planet Earth

[GMW #3054] A New General Science Of Sustainability On Planet Earth

Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3448 ~
There should be a new general science of sustainability on planet Earth. It would encompass:

Sustainable population
Sustainable production
Sustainable consumption
Sustainable transportation
Sustainable exploitation
Sustainable activities

It should consist of:

1. A science, i.e. scientific investigation of what is sustainable to the Earth, how she can reproduce what humans are consuming, damaging or destroying from her.
2. A strategy: to what and whom it should be addressed, targeted, e.g. deforestation, land use, air destruction, climate modifications, water infection, etc.
3. A methodology: what to do to change and heal the current situation: legislation, education, fines, new technologies, reduction of activities, of consumption, right ethical advertisement and marketing, changes or creation of institutions.

The Earth:
"Dear Robert, I congratulate you for this far-reaching idea. Thank you."

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume  II Chapter 13 Of Speaking
The famous Greek orator Demosthenes copied many times the History of Thucydides in order to perfect his style. Do the same and copy texts from your preferred authors.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Heart Math
We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and along these fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.
~ Henry Melvill

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