Sunday, May 26, 2013

[GMW #2732] The Peace Of Tomorrow Is In The Peace Seeds Of Today

[GMW #2732] The Peace Of Tomorrow Is In The Peace Seeds Of Today Idea Dream -Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3125 ~
The Earth:
"Dear Barbara, you are right.  I gave humans the intelligence and capacity to plant flowers and to improve them.  Yes, you can plant flowers everywhere and give me an unprecedented beauty in the universe.  You are right: Humans should make the 21st century and 3rd millennium a century and millennium of beauty and love.

We could have a new profession and peoples' devotion: Beautifiers, flowerers, gardeners of the Earth.  The flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.  The peace of tomorrow is in the peace seeds of today."

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 3 Of Consciousness
All my life I had the growing consciousness that I was much more than myself, to the point of not belonging to myself.  This non-belonging was a source of bliss.  It gave my self a greater value!  The universe penetrated into me, aggrandized me.  I realized that I was part of the cosmos conscious of itself, a cosmic being.  And most of that I owe to the United Nations, the first planetary and cosmic school on Earth.  May all schools on Earth do that miracle for their children.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Daily Ray of Hope

S. A. Cember | Rockport, MA

Happiness held is the seed.
Happiness shared is the flower.
~ John Harrigan

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[GMW #2731] Love & Beauty Nurturing All Humanity & Earth

[GMW #2731] Love & Beauty Nurturing All Humanity & Earth Idea Dream -Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3124 ~
Barbara, my wife considers that beauty and love are the two highest values and means of humanity.  They can make us the ultimate wonder in the universe.  This reminded me of Dostoyewski and Proust who described a world being saved by beauty.  Why don't we do this seriously for all humanity and the Earth as we enter the 21st century and 3rd millennium?  Let us make them the Century and Millennium of Love and Beauty.  What miracles we would see!

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 3 Of Consciousness
I will never cease to be astonished by my fate:  endlessly I discover that I can be greater than I was.  Life offers endless possibilities for extension.  Could it be true even after death?  What a big revelation of increased consciousness that would be!

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Daily Ray of Hope

Ralph Earlandson | Dead Horse Point State Park, UT

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and
give strength to body and soul.
~ John Muir

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[GMW #2730] The Universe Elevates Us To Our Divine Cosmic Nature, Gratitude & Responsibilities

[GMW #2730] The Universe Elevates Us To Our Divine Cosmic Nature, Gratitude & Responsibilities Idea Dream -Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3123 ~
When tears come to my eyes when I speak and to those of my audience I cannot help it and they cannot help it because it is not I who speaks but the universe which tries to elevate us to our divine cosmic nature, gratitude and responsibilities.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 3 Of Consciousness
To know beyond oneself, to know beyond the planet, to understand ever more of infinity and eternity, that was the human destiny until now.  To act as knowledgeable, loving, responsible actors in this majestic cosmic scenario will be the next.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Do your little bit of good where you are;
it's those little bits of good put together
that overwhelm the world.
~ Desmond Tutu

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[GMW #2729] Humanity Lovers & Earth Lovers For A Better World For Everyone - People & Nature

[GMW #2729] Humanity Lovers & Earth Lovers For A Better World For Everyone - People & Nature
Idea Dream -Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3122 ~
I recommend that the word philanthropy be translated from its Greek meaning (phil: love and anthropos: the human being) into common language of today namely, love for humanity.  A philanthropist would be a humanity lover.  Love for the Earth being a recent phenomenon, the Greeks had no word for it.  I did it for them and coined the word Gaiaphily, love for Gaia, the Earth in Greek. 

But much better would be simply love for the Earth.  A philanthropist or gaiaphilist giving resources to preserve the Earth would be called an Earth lover.  So we would have humanity lovers and Earth lovers and some people could be both.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 3 Of Consciousness
An organ is only justified by its function.  No organ survives if its function disappears.  What are the functions of our organs?  Why were they given to us?  What is the function meant for the human race on this planet?  If we do not find out, we will disappear. 

The answer in my view is to be responsible for the future evolution of planet Earth.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Word For The Day
The love of one's country is a natural thing.
But why should love stop at the border?
~ Pablo Casals

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[GMW #2728] A Healthy Earth Has More Healthy Humans

[GMW #2728] A Healthy Earth Has More Healthy Humans
Idea Dream -Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3121 ~
The Earth:
"Dear Robert, I wish that someone would gather statistics on all human expenses on medical services, pharmaceuticals and other methods of healing human beings and how much you spend on healing me, the mother who gives birth and nourishment to you all.  There are so many wounds which are bleeding on my body."

You are right. I will ask the World Health Organization if they have the statistics.  That Organization is not dealing with the health of the world, of the Earth.  It is dealing only with the health of humans.  It would more appropriately be called the Human Health Organization and a new Earth Health Organization should be created.  We should spend at least as much on Earth healing as on human healing.  We need a new profession of Earth healers, Earth doctors.  It would be better than environmentalists.  On a healthy Earth there would be more healthy humans.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,  
Volume II Chapter 3 Of Consciousness
Thinking means to divide, to dissect, to analyze, to relate, to review and to conclude.  But a higher form than thinking is 'feeling', the supreme synthesis of knowing.  Humans can analyze the entire universe, from the farthest galaxy to the last atomic sub-particle, and yet they will never understand it.  But they can 'feel' it.  The love of a father, of a mother, of a poet are superior to thinking. 

Feeling and love are our highest forms of consciousness, of becoming one with the ultimate mysteries of life and of the universe, of being naturally, unquestioningly, a living part of it, with divine beauty and simplicity.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.
"Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but
let it go, and you
learn at once how big and precious it is."
~ Maxim Gorky

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

[GMW #2727] Biological Love Corridors For Nature

[GMW #2727] Biological Love Corridors For Nature Idea Dream -Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3120 ~
Dear Earth, I have some beautiful news for you: The Costa Rican chapter of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, (IUCN) just held a meeting at the University for Peace on the subject 'Biological Corridors'.  I asked them what that meant.  Answer: to create a biological corridor from the south to the north of all Central America so that all nature, species and animals can survive, develop and circulate or spread unhindered in a long corridor.  I congratulated them for that excellent undertaking and suggested to change the name to Corridor of Love for Nature.  They looked at me with surprise but loved it and adopted it as a sub-name.  I could envisage a beautiful article in American magazines entitled Biological Love Corridors for Nature.  That might bring them good publicity, understanding, love and perhaps financial contributions.

The Earth:
"I thank you.  This is indeed good news.  I pray that many such love projects will be born and implemented all over my surface."

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume II Chapter 3 Of Consciousness
After all the discoveries of the sciences from the infinitely large to the infinitely small, life and the universe still remain mysterious.  The sciences have merely revealed and increased the vastness and prodigy of the mystery.  Perhaps only love, mysticism, elevation, transcendence and spirituality can bring us closer to perceiving the ultimate reality.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

Daily Ray of Hope

Darrell Wyatt | Camas, WA

"It is not in the pursuit of happiness
that we find fulfillment,
it is in the happiness of pursuit."
~ Denis Waitley

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[GMW #2726] True United Religions Without Killing In The Name Of God & Countries Too

[GMW #2726] True United Religions Without Killing In The Name Of God & Countries Too Idea Dream -Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 3500
~ Idea 3119 ~
I received an invitation to sign a document creating the United Religions Initiative which will be proclaimed on 26 June 2000 in Philadelphia, the anniversary date when on 26 June 1945 the United Nations Charter was signed in San Francisco.  I am happy that this is now taking place.  It is in part the result of my opening speech to the World Parliament of Religions in 1993, in which I recommended the creation of a United Religions Organization.  But I will write to them that I will not sign it until all religions have decided no longer to require their members to kill other humans in the name of their God.  It is only when this is achieved that we will have a true United Religions.

Religious leaders: but isn't that what some members of the United Nations still do?

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume II Chapter 3 Of Consciousness
People send me books and papers on the "secrets" of the ancient Egyptians, the Tibetans, the Free Masons and other esoteric groups.  They note a similarity between my views and these age-old writings.  But this is normal.  The key of all these schools was that they considered themselves to be integral parts of the universe and of eternity.  All great religions do the same and the United Nations is on the way of doing it today.  When this truth is taught to every child on Earth, a better, peaceful, happier world will ensue.  That is evolution.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

All the flowers of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds of today.
~ Indian Proverb

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