Thank you for sharing my thoughts and simple equation of lovin' life 24/7 and making a difference for humanity.
I sent the 1/3's formula out to Good Morning World so quickly, in response to your reflection for the day, that when highlighting and using multiple colors, and being so bad at typing fast, and not saavy with all the functions while doing Yahoo EMAILs ---- the middle of the equation - the 1/3 of your life EARN was deleted. Please reprint this information to every one so they will remember it as it was meant to be read and as a rhyme, and practice this simple equation daily. the words for the 1/3's equation are LEARN, EARN, and RETURN, equals ONE EARTH and ONE PEOPLE !
the revision and correction is as follows: here is a simple equation of LOVING LIFE 24/7- (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) ... and making this planet a happier place to live --- ONE person at a time ... 1/3 of your life you LEARN, 1/3 of your life you EARN and 1/3 of your life YOU RETURN, to your community and THE WORLD EQUALS = ONE EARTH and ONE PEOPLE and thus by 'sharing and caring' --- connecting the seven seas by heartstrings of 'unconditional LOVE ', resulting with infinite possibilities of global resources for all to use today and in the future. Please share this idea and universal equation of HOPE and HAPPINESS for ALL countries around the world to MAKE a genuine difference every day!
Anne Fasanella Annie's Creative Arts of Westport, USA