Friday, March 5, 2021

[GMW Special] It's Robert's Birthday Week - Send Meaningful Stories About Robert In Celebration Of His Birthday

[GMW Special] It's Robert's Birthday Week
- Send Meaningful Stories About Robert In Celebration Of His Birthday
Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 4000


Robert's birthday (11 March) can be celebrated as a World Day of Dreams and Ideas For A Better World.

Robert Playing Ode To Joy At Agape Unity Church To Great Applause And The Story Of How He Came To Be A Harmonica Player
Celebrate Robert's birthday! Write to us and send your meaningful stories about Robert over the next week or so.

Everyone is encouraged to participate and to celebrate the incredible life of a light force being, Robert, who taught us and inspires us so much, especially living the virtues for a better world for everyone - people and nature.

Send your stories, thoughts and comments by replying to this email and by liking & commenting on this post on Robert's Facebook page - Ideas & Dreams For A Better World!


Dearest Good Morning World readers;

This week is Robert's birthday's week and what a joy indeed it is to have an entire day to mindfully focus on the gift of living a peace-full life, and to create it with our thoughts, emotions, visualizations, drawings, poems, and writings to give birth to peace. I do believe that Peace already exists. To nurture peace we must first disarm our hearts, our minds, our eyes and our speech.

All Good Morning World readers are invited to send their stories of how dearest Robert Muller was an inspiration for them - to decide to live in peace, to believe in peace, to nurture peace and to become an instrument of peace in this life.

I can hear Robert saying, "Oh, what a wonderful idea this is to celebrate my life."


Queridos lectores de Good Morning World;

Estamos celebrando una semana dedicada a el cumpleaños de Robert y que alegría es el poder dedicarle una semana entera, a enfocarnos mentalmente en el regalo divino de la vida, en la importancia de vivir en paz para así crear nuestros sueños, elegir nuestros pensamientos, emociones, visualizaciones, escribir poemas y dibujar dándole así vida a la paz a través de nuestras acciones diarias.  Yo creo firmemente que la Paz ya existe. Mas sin embargo, para darle vida a la Paz primero hay que desarmar nuestros corazones, nuestra mente, nuestros ojos y nuestra manera de hablar.

A todos los lectores de Good Morning World, están invitados a enviarnos sus ideas, historias sobre sus vidas y sobre el como Robert Muller les ha inspirado a cambiarlas - a decidir vivir en Paz, a tener Fé en la Paz, a dedicar sus vidas a el trabajo por la Paz, a decir, si quiero ser un instrumento de luz de vida en Paz.

Puedo escuchar a Robert decir en este momento, "Oh, qué idea tan maravillosa es esta en ocasión de la celebración de mi cumpleaños."

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth CharterUniversal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women,IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

(Barbara Gaughen-Muller and her beloved late husband, Robert Muller)

More from Robert Muller:
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Click on any of these tags-labels to see more entries from Robert that have the tag-label:
The first 4000 Ideas & Dreams
For A Better World

The Idea Dreams
- With An Index

Robert's Harmonic & Talk
Ode To Joy
Never Give Up (Audio Talk)

Decide to - poems
DecideTo Index
DecideTo Poems

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