Sunday, October 25, 2020

[GMW #4670] Think Only Of Positive Remedies & Solutions - Cardinal Rule

[GMW #4670] Think Only Of Positive Remedies & Solutions - Cardinal Rule Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 4000

~ Idea 6054 to 6057~
Comments of ladies after reading some of my books or hearing my speeches.

~ Idea 6055 ~

Another lady: “I spent the whole afternoon in my room crying. I heard only blame against the US government during this conference. Yet my husband has been working in Washington for 32 years. He has done his best. He has done his duty in World War II. But the speeches here made this world of mine collapse.

Your message saved me from despair. You showed the progress humanity is making. You blamed no one. I do not know how I can thank you.”

I learned this from her:

    Think only of positive remedies and solutions.
    Avoid blaming as much as possible.
    To blame does not help.

    To remedy helps.

This should be the cardinal rule
for the United Nations and
for all humanity.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume II - The Art of Personal Happy Living
Chapter 11 - Of Gratitude

Every morning, when we wake up, we should say:

"Dear God, I promise You not to complain today.

I will be joyful and grateful to You for Your wonderful, incredible gift of my life."

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth CharterUniversal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women,IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

When all your desires are distilled
you will cast just two votes:

To love more and be happy.
~ Hafiz

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[GMW #4669] Cry At The Beauty Of Life

[GMW #4669] Cry At The Beauty Of Life  Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 4000

~ Idea 6054 to 6057~
Comments of ladies after reading some of my books or hearing my speeches.

Idea 6054  A lady: “Your books make me cry at the beauty of life.”

I answered, “This is what we should all do. But we usually cry only when we lose someone or when we are about to die. We should cry also at the beauty of life and of loved ones when we are alive.”

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume II - The Art of Personal Happy Living
Chapter 10 - Of Dreams, Visions and Ideals

My Dream 2000
by Dr. Robert Muller
Written for Earth Day 1997. Several million copies were distributed in the world. Also available in Dutch, French, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian.

My Dream 2000
We dream that we humans, the most advanced miracle
of life in the universe will lift our sights, hopes and dreams to the year 3000
and make the third millennium a tremendous, unbelievable cosmic success.

We dream that all governments will join their minds and hearts
to manage this beautiful Earth and precious humanity in peace, justice and happiness,

That all religions will join in a global spirituality,

That all scientists will join in a united, ethical science,

That all corporations will unite in a global cooperative to preserve nature and all humanity.

We believe that once and for ever,
we will eliminate all wars, violence and armaments from this miraculous planet.

We dream that the incredible and growing distance between rich and poor,
between and inside nations will be eliminated as a blemish to the miracle of life.

We dream that we will stop the destruction
of our miraculous, so richly endowed planetary home.

We dream that we will eliminate all lies, corruption and immoral advertisements for purely monetary purposes.

We dream that we will all live simple, frugal lives in order
not to waste unduly the precious resources of our planet.

We dream that each decade and centennial will be celebrated as a great
world-wide thanksgiving for our successes.

We dream that we will succeed in making our planet the ultimate success of God,
of the mysterious forces of the universe of which each of us is a miraculous, cosmic unit.

Dear brothers and sisters, dear children, youth, adults and elderly, dear spirits of all the departed let us join forces in fulfilling God's loving destiny intended for all of humanity

Let us prepare the year 3000 as the most extraordinary celebration
of our grandiose, mysterious journey in the star studded heavens.

Let us make this third millennium a Jubillennium filled with overflowing peace, tremendous love, happiness and thanksgiving.

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth CharterUniversal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women,IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

The winds of grace blow all the time.
All we need to do is set our sails.
~ Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

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The first 4000 Ideas & Dreams
For A Better World

The Idea Dreams
- With An Index

Robert's Harmonic & Talk
Ode To Joy
Never Give Up (Audio Talk)

Decide to - poems
DecideTo Index
DecideTo Poems