Monday, September 20, 2010

[GMW 2046] Robert Muller Memorial Tribute Index

[GMW 2046] Robert Muller Memorial Tribute Index
Monday 20 September 2010, Editor: Easy
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Robert Muller Passes On Eve Of World Day Of Peace

1923 - 2010

   Printable Monograph pdf

Memorial Service
Broadcast On PeaceDay.TV

Remembering Robert
Remembrances of Robert from around the world
More are posted in the comments below

Additional remembrances can be sent here
and added to Robert's Facebook


Robert Muller passed into the light
on his journey to heaven,
early this morning.

May we all take a moment today
to honor him and his selfless life,
serving  humanity in the United Nations.
Robert was truly a great soul
that was a blessing and a
shining light for humanity,
working tirelessly for peace and
healing Planet Earth throughout his life.

Barbara Muller
September 20, 2010

From Robert

Let the good news be
incarnated in you

Proclaim your belief
In humanity
In our success
In our further transcendence
In our peace, justice
and happiness
In the construction of the
Planet of God

Think of it
Feel for it
Speak of it
Work for it

For all we think, all we feel,
all we say and all we do
Must not hinder, but help
The great design of God

Our Cosmic destiny
Our further ascent and evolution
Towards the permanent reign of
God on our miraculous planet."


Photo Credit: Erick GustafsonLocation: Fort Knox
Inspiration gives no warnings.
-- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Chris Muth said...

I met Robert Muller at a UN conference, read his book and followed his work, he left a lasting impression and was a personal inspiration. My condolances to his wife and family.

Best wishes Chris Muth

Unknown said...

The world has lost one of the greatest thinkers/dreamers and spokespersons for PEACE of our time. May we all continue to spread his ideas and dreams for a better world; as his body of work is an inspiration for decades to come. Thank you with all my heart Robert Muller for being our guiding light. For helping us believe in happiness and peace on Earth. Our love is with you!
My heartfelt condolences to Barbara Muller, clearly his champion and inspiration. Know that we're holding you in our hearts with deep sympathy and gratitude.

freed said...

Seldom did I have such a deep and joyous impression like meeting Robert (and you, Barbara). At the Hague Appeal for Peace in May 1999, you were present when Fred Stern, the rainbow man, created a rainbow in your honor. Linda Grover (from the Tree Island gathering, she sadly passed away beginning this year) and several of the participants joined. You signed a Millennium Meal table. A report and a photograph is still on my website
I will remember you as the special person who transformed from a cynic to embrace in love literally the whole world. May you be remembered as the shiny beacon that you were during your rich life. Happily you and Barbara shared so much that you will live on in numerous others. We are all One.

Marc said...

Earth has lost but Heaven has gained..
Mark Quire

Dianette said...

We were and are truly blessed with his joyful and de'light-filled spirit. My favorite memory is singing "Ode To Joy" by Beethoven at the top of my lungs, accompanied by Robert on his harmonica! Bless you, Barbara, on this journey. My thoughts are with you. Celebrating Robert's life is the greatest gift we can give him in his passing.

Joanie Ciardelli said...

Dearest Barbara... I have so many wonderful and joyful memories of being with you and Robert, and am so very sad to know I won't see him again ... will miss our Santa Barbara lunches! In so many ways the two of you are models for us of happiness in marriage and love, which gets better all the time. Thank you for all you did to support Robert in his elder statesman years, in bringing forth so many impactful ideas and wisdom for us all -- especially Pathways To Peace and the UN Peoples Assembly. Robert will be greatly missed, and you will always be a special part of our family! Love you! Joanie & Jack Ciardelli

Anonymous said...

My dear mentor Robert Muller now leaves it up to all of us to continue to work co-creatively to create his Paradise Earth through loving, co-creative, co-empowering sustainable villages worldwide. He gave us all so much love, happiness and joy and we now continue to pass it on to the next generation. When we align each day with the Creative Source in the Universe, we align with our dear Robert once again...
~ Sandy Hinden, 7 Keys to Love

NormaG said...

I miss you already dear Robert Muller! You were my first 'virtual guru' many, many years ago and have been an inspiration and hero ever since! My thoughts and prayers are with you Barbara!

Unknown said...

Dearest Barbara, I am very sorry for your loss, yet I am very thankful with you that I was able to visit you both last December. It was a unvaluable present you gave me!! You and Robert are part of my life and can not express enough what you both mean to me in my upeace years. Many hugs from Costa Rica, you{re always in my heart! Adriana Molina

Unknown said...


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. All of us here on Meditation Mount are deeply moved by Robert's passing. He could not have chosen a more appropriate moment, soaring out on the hundreds of thousands of prayers for Peace being raised around the planet. His spirit was certainly with the 150 of us as we undertook a pilgrimage Walk of Peace here in Ojai.

Well done Robert! Your ascending has infused our UN International Day of Peace with your spirit and will carry us forward into the full realization of Paradise Earth! Thank you for all your gifts to us and Bless your journey onward and upward.

Katherine and Roger Collis

poohbahbah said...

Many hand claps and cheers for you Robert---Yes, your job was well done indeed. Memories of you bring smiles, joy and happiness. Jackie

Ronald G Thomas said...

Once again, we see an opportunity for the people of the world to act on Robert's ideas and dreams for a better world. The Arab Spring, The Occupy Movement, are all connected with a spirit of transformation to a more peaceful state for humanity and the environment, and freedom from greedy tyrants and despots. A more compassionate and equitable evolution of power and prosperity for all CAN happen. It MUST happen if our planet is to survive. Shifting power and economic prosperity to the masses (the 99%) mass participation in true and deep democracy, has the real possibility of enabling eradication of hunger, education for all, which can give humanity no reason for armament of war. Such expenditures are a complete waste of resources. Global, national community and family security will help us all prosper and achieve Robert's beautiful dreams. Peace is the answer. Thank you, Robert and love to you, Barbara. Ronald G Thomas, Portland, OR