Tuesday, June 21, 2016

[GMW #3602] Transform The 189 Nations Of The World Into A Federal United World

[GMW #3602] Transform The 189 Nations Of The World Into A Federal United World Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 3001 to 4000
~ Idea 3997 ~

I ask myself a thousand times these persistent, impatient questions ~ Idea 3996 to 3998 ~:

Why, why, why does not the President of the United States or another head of state follow the example of George Washington who transformed the 49 confederate states into the Federal United States and request that the 189 nations of the world be transformed into a Federal United World?

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,
Volume III - The Seasons of Life
Chapter 2 -
The Miracle of Life Giving
Every mother on Earth, when seeing, holding, feeding, loving and caring for her baby feels like a Goddess, which indeed she is!

UN News: UN Chronicle, United Nations News Service, UN Wire Archive
References: Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Rights of: Children,Women, IndigenousPeople
To Be Written: Rights of Nature, Birds, Animals, Fish, etc.

-- Los                        Osos, California --
Daily Ray of Hope

Photo by Dagmar Collins | Western pond turtle, Los Osos, California

Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirits.
~ William Hazlitt

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For A Better World

The Idea Dreams
- With An Index

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Ode To Joy
Never Give Up (Audio Talk)

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